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Diaper Therapy
Diaper Therapy
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Diaper Commercial Payback

11/30/20 11:34 AM13 min572 MBmp41080p
Prezzo$14.99 USD


Toby and Fluffy enter from off stage, both wearing nothing but thick diapers and sucking on pacifiers...and looking very embarrassed to be diapered in front of each other. Directing them from offstage is a female voice.

The boys can't see the woman because of the bright lights on their faces. "Welcome, boys, to the audition. Keep in mind that the final set is going to look much more realistic, with giant baby furniture to make you look small. For this commercial, you are playing the roles of Billy [Toby] and Bobby [Fluffy]."

Bobby remarks, "That'll be easy, 'cause my real name is actually Bobby." Billy then says suddenly, "My name's Billy, too! Well...William. Too funny!"

The off-stage voice continues: "Thank you for dressing the part; you both look very cute. We all know babies can't talk, and that's why we need you for the diaper commercial, although we won't be filming the dialog for this audition. After a montage of activity scenes, our two little ones are going to talk about how much more comfortable they are in Babyluv Diapers. For the montage, just try to be the best babies you can be. Get inside the mindset of a carefree baby; you should be laughing and clapping and playing. Do you have any questions?"

Toby was the first to speak up. "Yes, ma'am. My ex-girlfriend hooked me up with this audition without saying much about it. Is this supposed to be a long-term gig? 'Cause I don't want to humiliate myself like this unless it's worth it." Fluffy then chimed in, "I was going to ask the same thing. We must have the same ex-girlfriend!" They both laughed.

The voice responded, "Yes, this will be a long-term gig, possibly including a few public appearances. Any other questions? Ready?"

"Okay boys, I need you both to sit down on the blanket facing each other, and I want you to push the ball back and forth between you. Try not to hide your diapers too much, since this is a diaper commercial." The two boys start playing the scene.

"Now I want you both to stand up and gently toss the inflated baby bottle prop [or the ball] in the air to each other. Yes...very cute."

"Now I want Billy to crawl AWAY from the camera on all fours and then whip his head around to the LEFT and look at the camera with a smile. Good! Next Billy crawls TOWARDS the camera like an eager baby hoping for a bottle. Now Billy stands up, grabs a teddy bear by the arm, and walks away from the camera with the bear dangling; now, turn and toddle towards the camera.

Excellent! Then we need Bobby to do the same thing, starting with the crawl, but whipping his head around to the RIGHT and looking at the camera. Good. And now crawl towards the camera. Nice! Now stand up, grab a teddy bear, and walk away from the camera and then towards the camera. Perfect."

"Now, do you baby boys know how to play Patty Cake? Great. Sit on the blankie facing each other and start well as you remember it. Go ahead and spread your legs apart wide, and see if you can touch your toes to the other baby's. Awwww...that's adorable!"

"Okay, now for a fancy shot. Pick up your baby bottles and bibs [they pick them up and help each other with the bibs]. I want you to sit back-to-back on the floor, looking at the camera, and drinking your bottles just slightly to the side. Oh, yeah, that's it. Okay, knees up, pulling your legs closer to your chest and resting your bottle-holding arm on your knees while you continue lazily drinking."

"Now we need some close-up shots; well, not actually close-up, but we'll zoom in and crop. Billy, I want you to turn sideways to me and bend over slightly while Bobby pats your diapered bottom a few times. Now it's Billy's turn to pat Bobby's diaper. Nice. All right, now face me and start drinking your bottles, and we'll zoom in on your faces."

"Okay, bibs off and bottles down. Now let's have some fun. Let's get some cute baby poses...standing, sitting, crouching like you're going potty, on your back with your feet in the air...that kind of thing. Just try a few seconds with each pose. Billy first. [Billy does several different poses.] Excellent! Now Bobby. [Bobby does several poses.] Now, let's get both of you up there and just play like babies, doing something together or doing your own thing...sitting, standing, crouching, whatever you want."

"All right, we're almost through. For the next shot, I want both babies sitting together like little brothers. Sit next to each other with legs forward and pretend you're both about to cry. Now rub your eyes like you're embarrassed and wiggle your feet back and forth. Next, I want Bobby to stay sitting in that pose and Billy sit right behind him with his legs stretched out next to Bobby's legs. Billy, you give Bobby a nice big bear hug from behind, and Bobby, you embrace Billy's arms, and both of you give a BIG smile at the camera. Perfect!"

"The last shot we want to get is just a cute, innocent little baby kiss. Trust me, it won't be that bad. Stand facing each other with your faces about a foot apart. Now make a great big pucker with your lips, lean in, and then just give each other a tiny peck on the lips. Awww...that was cute, but you're not selling it. There's nothing to be ashamed of...little babies kiss all the time, and it's cute. We just want you to be two little baby boys who like being silly together and having fun. Again? Yes...yes, that's much better. Let's try one more kiss, just to make sure we get a good close-up sweet!"

"You boys have done a great job. You're going to be very popular babies."

From the shadows, a woman walks into view, holding a cell phone with the camera towards them. Toby and Fluffy say in unison, shocked, "Julie?". Then they look at each other, finally realizing both of them had dated her. She puts away the phone, laughing at their surprised expressions and says, "Yeah, it's me. You might say I've developed my self-confidence by being a dominatrix, and now I've decided it was time to take revenge on the guys who broke my heart. The one thing I learned about dating you both is that neither of you is a man. You're both just who haven't grown up, and now you LOOK like ."

"I've been live streaming your audition on YouTube, and I think it might go viral. There were literally over ten thousand people watching it, and once the final stream has been uploaded, a lot more people will see it. If it makes money, I might ask you back for another appearance. I'll keep you babies posted!" She smiles and walks out of the room, as Toby and Fluffy look at each other, almost in tears.

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